Sunday, November 25, 2007

GeoViz Toolkit Links

There are plans to use the GeoViz Toolkit in GEOG 486: Cartography and Visualization course here at Dutton. Adrienne Gruver is going to supply me with some data, and we will cut a special edition of the GeoViz Toolkit with that data in it.

The most stable current build is available from

The API Docs are available from:

Previous binary versions are available from:

Previous source versions are in the repository, hosted by Google:

I am working on getting three seperate things strapped together: the codebase repository, the continous integration (CI) server, and the executable program. So far, the CI server listens to the codebase no problem, but I still need to write a script to get the executable application publishing correctly.

The GeoViz toolkit is a project derived from the GeoVISTA Studio project.

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